NECRET strives to demonstrate openness, transparency and integrity to our donors, supporters, volunteers and funding partners by operating rigorously to the standards set out by the Charity Institute of Ireland – good fundraising, transparent annual financial reporting and governance.
Good Fundraising: Commitment to Standards in Fundraising Practice
The Board of NECRET has formally adopted, is signed up to and is fully committed to achieving the standards contained within the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising.
The Statement exists to:
During 2021 we have reviewed, and updated where necessary, all of our existing governance policies in accordance with best practice.
We, NECRET, have considered the Statement and believe we meet the standards it sets out.
The annual accounts of NECRET are independently audited every year by Bowden Walsh & Co, Chartered Certified Accountants and Statutory Auditors. We prepare our accounts in accordance with Irish Accounting Standards and the Companies Act 2014.
You can download and view our most recent audited accounts by clicking below:
NECRET’s Board Members are responsible for the overall control and strategic direction of the charity. They meet regularly to discuss, decide, and review our strategies and policies and receive reports and updates.
Our current Board members are
Professor Bryan Hennessy (Chair), Elizabeth Summersby, Anna Harbison Egan, Mary Patricia Meade, Elizabeth Mary McArdle, Professor Reem Salman and Paul Egan
The Board of Directors would like to advise their patrons and supporters that they do not receive any financial or other remuneration for their services. All services are provided on a free and voluntary basis. The charity adheres to all statutory obligations with regard to a limited company and annual accounts are submitted and audited as per statutory obligations.