This Oncology Unit at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Drogheda has a multi-disciplinary team including doctors, nurses, pharmacist, social workers, dieticians, support workers, health care assistance and clerical officers. Their sole aim is to deliver high quality care to all patients and their families in a friendly environment.
They never underestimate the importance of treating patients and their families at such a difficult time. The Oncology Team is led by Consultant Medical Oncologist Dr Bryan Hennessy who is also Adjunct Professor in the Division of Cancer Medicine at the University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center;
Part of the team also is Dr. David Easty, MD PhD MRCP who is the Oncology Unit Registrar since April 2015; Dr. Easty has special interest in melanoma and pancreatic cancer.
Professor Bryan Hennessy is an international leader in the application of reverse phase protein arrays (RPPA) for quantitative protein profiling to interrogate predictive and prognostic markers in breast, colon and other cancers.
One important area NECRET provides a significant proportion of the funding that it receives is cancer research.
As Professor Hennessy describes cancer research is aimed at improving how we treat cancer and the treatments that we have for people with cancer. This is so that we can continue to improve cure rates for people with cancer.
Dr Sinead Toomey
Ciaran Briscoe
Chief Executive Officer
Karen Healy
Volunteer Coordinator
Pierce Jordan
Volunteer Web Developer